Pupil wins replica clock for designing a new large exterior clock for Darrick Wood school.
Winning design by Ela, aged 11 Darrick Wood Junior School wanted an exterior clock to go on their school wall and decided that it would be a great idea to get the children involved, so they ran a competition to see who could design the best clock face. Four children's designs were short listed and then the Headteacher came to us for advice. As the children range in age from 7 - 11 years old it was decided that above all the clock needed to be clear and simple to read. Several of the designs had a leaf theme as every class is named after a tree and the logo for the school is a leaf. However having submitted nine variations, based on the children's designs, for the school to choose from it was decided that the winner should be Ela, aged eleven. Her design was on a clear white back ground, with the school logo in the middle and a pattern of children a...